Monday, February 18, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ahead of the Game

Oh yeaaaaaaaa
I'm finally caught up and a little bit ahead. Hopefully next weeks assignment is still Chapter 19.

CH 19 Map

CH 13B Map

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

CH 7 Notes

Today we briefly discussed Digital Data. Digital data costs a whole lot and takes up a huge amount of time. There are lots of different types which include NCLD, DRG, DLG, DOQ and many more. I will have to study the power point notes to understand what all these abrevations mean.

The 1st Test

I just took a look at my grades for the 1st test. I studied for quite a long time for this tests about 2 or 3 hours a day for about 5 days straight. I was confident going into it but then after taking a look at some of the questions I got kinda scared. I was very happy when I got my test back today and had made an A. I'm still sleepy though.

CH 3

For Chapter Three's lecture we learned about geodesy-the study of the Earth's size and shape. We also learned about map projections. When you project maps you distort 1 or more of 4 properties. They are shape, area, distance, direction aka SADD =( . We also learned about datums which are reference surfaces used for mapping. Two commonly used datums in the US are NAD27 and NAD83.

CH 13A Map

Monday, February 4, 2008